Google’s May 2022 Broad Core Algorithm Update - BFO

May 27, 2022

1 Minute Read

It’s that time of year again folks, Google has just announced that it is rolling out a broad core algorithm update. Named the “May 2022 Core Update,” Google announced its release on May 25, 2022, and the roll out process will take roughly one to two weeks to complete. 

In typical Google fashion, insights on what this core algorithm update will impact are on the vague side. According to Google, “Core updates are designed to increase the overall relevancy of our search results and make them more helpful and useful for everyone.” Core updates are not intended to affect specific sites, but they typically impact certain industries or areas of search more than others. However, we will not be able to determine what those are until the update has completed rollout, and the data starts rolling in. You can learn more about past Google Algorithm Updates here.

In the meantime, keep an eye on your current page rankings and keyword rankings to note any significant movement. Every core algorithm update provides opportunities for page ranking and keyword ranking increases and decreases.

BFO will be updating this page as more information comes in surrounding the impact of the May 2022 core update, so check back in with us in two-three weeks to discover the winners, losers, and what impacts this most recent update might have on your business’s organic presence. And as always, if you are concerned with your site’s organic rankings or need guidance on SEO, reach out to Be Found Online today.

Read Google’s Announcement on the May 2022 Broad Core Algorithm Update.

Maggie Sauer - Director of Strategic Relationships

Maggie Sauer

With a background in SEO, Analytics, Email Marketing, and Omni Channel Strategy, Maggie utilizes her love for data-driven strategies in her role as the Director of Strategic Partnerships.