FACEBOOK ADS 101 #3: Bottom-Funnel Campaign Strategies

May 24, 2018

4 Minute Read

Last week in our Facebook Ads 101 series, we took a look at the middle-funnel campaign strategies.  Today, we will be looking at the bottom-funnel campaign strategies. The most important thing to remember about bottom-funnel campaigns is that each ad set has to have 50 conversions before the Facebook system is done learning. In addition, each ad set will need about 15 conversions per week to continue to function effectively.

Our focus this week will be on the Conversion column in the campaign selection menu.


Conversion campaigns are the first option in the bottom-funnel event category. Conversion campaigns are great for multiple different business types. Conversion events are set up to encourage people to go to your website and do something.

One big thing that you must have on your site is the Facebook conversion pixel. With the Facebook conversion pixel, you will be able to set up conversion events. For example, if you are a blogger and you would like to have people come to your site, conversion campaigns can be set up to optimize toward page visits. Or if you have an online business and you would like someone to purchase anything from your site, conversion campaigns can be set up to optimize for those types of events.

Catalog Sales

The second option for the bottom-funnel events, Catalog Sales is also referred to as dynamic ads. These ads will automatically promote products to people who have shown interest in your website, app, etc. To run dynamic ads, you will have to have a Facebook Pixel, SDK (for mobile), a Business Manager account and a product catalog. Catalog Sales are a very easy way to use Facebook to promote a product to someone that is searching for it, other than on your website.

Store Visits

The last option for the bottom-funnel events is Store Visits. Currently, the only optimization for this campaign type is Reach. Optimizing for Reach means that the Facebook algorithm will optimize for daily unique reach and impressions. The algorithm also uses a person’s location to target them: it will change the CTAs, maps and text to be specific to the location nearest them. One thing that Facebook is currently testing is an optimization for Store Visits. Store Visits will optimize for the lowest CPA by increasing delivery towards customers who are more likely to visit a store.

Using conversion campaigns is a great way to measure the completion of a goal, especially if goal completions are one of your Key Performance Indicators. When you are building your Facebook campaigns, remember the Facebook funnel. Awareness is a top-funnel event that is trying to let people know about your brand or something new that may be happening for your brand. Consideration campaigns are for middle-funnel events, driving people to your site and bringing them down the funnel. Conversion campaigns are set up to measure the final conversions of your funnel.

Please be on the lookout for the next article, where we will discuss the Facebook Pixel and Custom Conversions. Want to talk with an expert? Start a conversation.

James Willingham - Paid Media Account Manager

James Willingham

James describes his job at BFO as ‘a dream career,’ and we describe him as a ‘dream employee.’ Firstly, James is a foster parent, who has used his skills in digital marketing to promote foster parenting. Family and inter-personal relationships are paramount, and he incorporates his talent and caring persona in building successful SEM strategies for regional and national accounts and his expertise in paid social advertising on Facebook.